Angličtina pro speciální pedagogy - pracovní listy
Studijní materiál20 s. / 4. roč. / rar
LISTENING 1: A day in the life of a special teacherListen to a short report discussing some aspects of a career in SNE. Complete the notes below. (Recording from: Children with SN require ________________________ 1 attention. Successful teachers are______________________ 2, kind-hearted and _______________________ 3. Teachers must be good ________________________ 4. Responsibilities range from working with educational ______________...
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Legal english 1 - Introduction to the law
Studijní materiál32 s. / 2. roč. / pdf
THE LEGAL SYSTEMThe Structure of the LawThe legal system in the United Kingdom.The study of law distinguishes between public law and private law, but in legal practicein the UK the distinction between civil law and criminal law is more important topractising lawyers. Public law relates to the state. It is concerned with the laws which govern processes in local and national governments and conflicts between the individual and the state in areas such as immigration and social security.Private law ...
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Studijní opora k modulu Business English
Studijní materiál193 s. / 2. roč. / pdf
Studijní opora Business English zpracovává tematiku definovanou rolemi inovovaného studijního programu Vysoké školy podnikání, a.s. pro bakalářskou formu studia. Je základním zdrojem klíčové slovní zásoby a podkladem k přípravě na závěrečnou ústní zkoušku z anglického jazyka. Studijní opora není zacílena na procvičování gramatiky, proto je nezbytné studium gramatických jevů doplnit z jiných zdrojů. Stejně tak autoři upozorňují na nutnost využití dalších zdrojů informací pro hlubší zpracování jed...
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Vypracované otázky ke zkoušce z Angličtiny
Vypracované otázky14 s. / 1. roč. / docx
1) What is a law? Definice:Law is a system of regulatitons to govern the conduct of the people of a community, society or nation.Nebo lze použít druhou definici:Law is a body of rules and procedures employed by oragnized society to regulate the conduct of people in that society.The term law denote a statute, ordinance or regulations enacted by the legislative branch of a government and signed into law. The law reflects to a considerable extent the moral standards of the community in which it ope...
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Gramatika - Anglický jazyk - jednoduché poznámky
Poznámky12 s. / 1. roč. / docx
- Questionso (W) V S (V) O M P To (W) - what, who, when, where, why, which, how - příslovečné určení, které se pojí se slovesem (určuje to sloveso) je ve věte před ním (I quickly read your article in bed last night.)- Ve větě je nejdříve čas a potom část dne (The students worked till 4 o´clock this afternoon)- Vytváření otázek z oznamovacích vět:o pokud se ptám na předmět tvořím otázku klasicky (W V S V O M P T) pomocí pomocného slovesa (do/does, did, have/has, will) The scientist has found a ne...
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Legal English - skripta - angličtina
Skripta99 s. / 1. roč. / pdf
The Czech System of EducationSchool attendance in the CR is compulsory from the age of 6 to 15. Most children attend state schools but there are also private and church schools. Education at state schools up to 18 is free of charge but students at secondary schools must pay for their textbooks. Private and church schools charge school fees. All schools are coeducational. Children in our school system do not wear uniforms. The school year starts on 1st September and ends on 30th June. The school ...
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Vypracované otázky k ústní zkoušce z Anglického jazyka
Vypracované otázky14 s. / 3. roč. / pdf
1. Air travelAirport layout and procedureAirport is divided into 2 sides - landside and airside. When you depart, you go through check in, security, immigration and departure lounge.At check in your ticket will be checked and you’ll be given a boarding card. Your luggage will be weighed and put on a conveyor belt which takes it to the plane.Security - check to make sure you’re not carrying and dangerous or illegal itemsImmigration - you should then go through passport controlThen you’ll go to th...
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Vypracované otázky z Angličtiny
Vypracované otázky10 s. / 3. roč. / docx
1. Travel by railTravel experiences and preferences. Railway station and onboard facilities. Compare types of transport using comparison, contrast and reinforcement (lang.focus p.90)When and where have you travelled on a train?Have you spent the night on a train?Have you ever been on a long coach trip? (How long?Where to?)Tell your longest distance on a train on any one day/or in your life? (Where?How far?)Where is the best place to sit on a train? (for example wrap-around window)Do you prefer t...
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Slovní zásoba (vocabulary) z Anglického jazyka zaměřená na chemii a laboratoře
Studijní materiál25 s. / 1. roč. / rar
UNIT 1 - SCHOOLVocabulary To pursue sth - usilovat oUnique - jedinečnýTo comprise sth (-) - skládat se (bez předložky)To turn out - produkovat, vyrábětCore courses - povinné předmětyTotal enrolment - celkový počet zapsaných lidíconsist of - skládat sesubscribe to odebírat, předplatit siTo operate - provozovat, spravovat, říditTo provide - poskytovatImplementation provedení Outstanding - mimořádný, pozoruhodnýTo gain - nabýt, získatSuperbly - skvěle, znamenitěUp-to-date - moderníSuccessive - násl...
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Psentation AJ Scotland, Geography, Places to visit
Prezentace16 s. / 1. roč. / ppt
Jednoduchá prezentace, základní geografické údaje o zemi, nejzajímavější místa k navštívení ve Skotsku + zajímavostiLand area: 78,772 km2 (32% of UK area)Inhabitants: 5 100 000Land borders: England (96 km)Highest point: Ben Nevis (1 344 m)Largest lake: Loch Lomond (71 km2 )Languages: English, Scottish, Scottish Gaelic State system: Constitutional monarchy (Queen Elisabeth II)
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Angličtina - otázky ke zkoušce
Vypracované otázky9 s. / 1. roč. / doc
UNIT 1 Law and Legal EducationLaw= law is a body of rules and procedures employed by organized society to regulate behaviour of people in that society.Difference between american and continental system - continental system is based on the written code and roman law. American system is based on judicial decisions and common law.UNIT 2 Common Law (obyčejové) and Equity (ekvitní)Common law = judges must be independent and impartial / fair (nestranní). Judges are law makers and they interpret / expl...
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Morfologie Anglického jazyka
Přednášky35 s. / 1. roč. / doc
Introduction to morphology1) Approach: - is going to be a synchronic (different aspects) - time - present form of the language - diachronic - from the very beginning until now (changes of language) - descriptive - describe how language works for native speakers - perspective - how the language should be use; to know native speakers - structural approach - not appears only in language, but also in painting - to identify the different structures as forms of language, cooperating of each other - fu...
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Angličtina - Překlad 1. až 12. lekce
Studijní materiál12 s. / 1. roč. / doc
1. Právníci musí umět jasně psát a mluvit a být schopni účinně přesvědčovat a vyjednávat. Lawyers must write and speak clearly and be able to persuade and negotiate effectively. 2. Studenti práva se musí naučit, jak mají chápat, hodnotit a používat právní pravidla, pojmy a principy a osvojit si různé techniky právní argumentace. Students of law must learn how to understand, evaluate and use legal rules, concepts and principles, and acquired various techniques of legal argumentation.3. Cíle prá...
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Case Study: The Production Possibility Frontier
Studijní materiál3 s. / 1. roč. / doc
The PPF is the most important tool for economists. It helps them to think about scarcity and the problem of what to produce. The Production Possibility Frontier shows the maximum possible combination of two goods that can be produced in a certain economy if all available resources are fully employed.To explain the production possibility frontier, the economy of the state Wisconsin is taken as an example:Wisconsin is located in the north-central USA.As of 2010; the state has a total of more than ...
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English phonetics and phonology glossary (A little encyclopaedia of phonetics) Peter Roach
Skripta104 s. / - roč. / pdf
accentThis word is used (rather confusingly) in two different senses: (1) accent may refer to prominence given to a syllable, usually by the use of pitch. For example, in the word ‘potato’ the middle syllable is the most prominent; if you say the word on its own you will probably produce a fall in pitch on the middle syllable, making that syllable accented. In this sense, accent is distinguished from the more general term stress, which is more often used to refer to all sorts of prominence (incl...
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Czech Companion - Slovníček a přehled mluvnice v češtine
Skripta41 s. / - roč. / pdf
PříslovceAn adverbrozvíjí sloveso, přináší informace o tom, kdy, kde nebo jak seodehrává děj vyjádřený slovesemWe talked about it yesterday.I’ll wait here.Read the contract carefully.Frekvenční příslovceAn adverb of frequencyvyjadřuje, jak často se děj odehráváI usually eat in the staff restaurant.These meetings are often very long.Pomocné slovesoAn auxiliary verb(be, do a have) se používá ve spojení s dalším slovesným tvarem přitvoření různých časů a trpného rodu.I’m not working tomorrow.What d...
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The origins of the Idea of Europe
Studijní materiál16 s. / 2. roč. / doc
The Origins of the Idea of EuropeImportant dates:1453 - Constantinople and the Byzantine Empire was defeated by the Ottoman army - (Habsbourg was a protective wall against Islam), Byzantine was a centre of different types of Christianity, Rome and Byzantine were in conflict over the way the people were approaching the Christianity schism (1st Schism: break-up of the Roman Empire, 1 100 (about) agreement over an ideological control), issue of language - orthodoxy (East) against Rome (latin lang...
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Lifestyle - Upper IntermediateTeachers book
Skripta136 s. / 2. roč. / pdf
Lifestyle Upper Intermediate Teachers bookÚroveň B2
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Impacts of climate change on forestry and forest of in the EU / Dopady změn klimatu na lesnictví a lesy v EU
Studijní materiál4 s. / 1. roč. / rar
Klimatické změny způsobí mnoho komplikovaných dopadů na lesy v různých klimatických oblastech EU. Stoupající atmosférická koncentrace CO2, vyšší teploty, měnící se srážkový úhrn, povodně, častá a dlouhotrvající sucha budou mít významný vliv na růst stromů. Tyto klimatické změny také zapříčiní další biotické (frekvence a následky rozšíření škůdců a chorob) a abiotické problémy (časté výskyty požárů, četnější a intenzivnější vichřice), které budou mít silný vliv na lesní ekosystémy.
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Angličtina - Lingvorálie - zkouškové okruhy
Studijní materiál120 s. / - roč. / rar
01. BRITAIN - THE COUNTRY AND PEOPLEGeographyIt the north-west of Europe there are two large islands called Great Britain and Ireland and hundreds of smaller ones (Isle of Man and Channel Islands are crown dependencies, not officially part of the UK). In this area there are two states: The Republic of Ireland (Eire in Irish language, capital city Dublin) and The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (shortened as the UK). The UK consists of four nations: Germanic England (London) ...
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Angličtina - otázky k závěrečné zkoušce
Vypracované otázky51 s. / - roč. / doc
1.A. Economics and economy Economics = a science concerned with the laws governing the economic life of society and ways of dealing (vyřešení problémů) with the main issues: how to meet human wants and needs how to produce valuable commodities from the existing scarce resources how to allocate them efficiently to domestic and foreign usersthe most important question to by answered by economists is : WHAT, HOW and for WHOM to produce, HOW to reach stable economic development without crisesecon...
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Studijní okruhy z anglické lingvistiky
Studijní materiál120 s. / - roč. / rar
01a. NOUN= a word that refers to a person, place, thing, event, substance or quality (archaeologist, university, laptop, convention, timber, beauty). If they refer to physical phenomena (people, objects, places, substances) they are called concrete nouns whereas abstract nouns refer to events, states, activities, occasions (birth, happiness). Some words are used only as nouns (desk, hat, tree), other are derived words with suffixes or prefixes (er → player, -ity → activity), some nouns have the ...
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Vypracované okruhy z Anglického jazyka
Vypracované otázky78 s. / - roč. / rar
I. 1a English nouns (number, case, gender)= a part of speech that expresses a person, animal or living object, place, thing or quality- nouns can be a subject of a verb or an object of a verb, can be modified by an adjective and can take an article or determiner (a, an, the, my, this, such…)- nouns come after a determiner and after one or more adjectivesWe have several types of nouns:Common nouns are general names such as cat, cow, book …with small letter. They can be concrete or abstract.Concr...
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Poe as a fiction writer: a rationalist or a dreamer?
Esej6 s. / - roč. / pdf
In my essay I would like to discuss some of Poe´s short stories. From what Ihave read I think that Poe is much more a rationalist than a dreamer and I would liketo show that on few of his stories. Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most popular, debating and controversial writers.Vincent Buranelli calls him in his book „the most complex personality in the entiregallery of American authors“. J.Gerald Kennedy wrote that „no American writer of theantebellum period enjoys greater current popularity and ...
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Pharmacy and dialogues (Customer instructions and advices)
Studijní materiál4 s. / 3. roč. / doc
Customer instructions and adviceWe have prepared presentation about chemist and especially about situations which are for ordinary day in chemist typical.First I could say you something about chemist.It is usually a complex of many rooms with special function. Even room has own function and together is chemist (and so pharmacy) very important part of health service in the whole world. People get their medicaments and pharmaceuticals there, which have to protect or return their health.There is us...
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Veřejná správa - poznámky
Poznámky24 s. / - roč. / doc
Základy podnikového právaDělení organizacíPodle ekonomiky: ziskové, příspěvkové, rozpočtové (profit-orientated, allowance, budgetary)Podle vlastnictví: soukromé, družstevní, státní (private, cooperative, state-owned)Podle majetkové účasti: živnost (small business - sole proptiatorship - sole trade), družstvo (cooperative), sdružení/asociace/společnost (association), společnost (partnership/company)Podle stavby: holding, syndicate, consortiumA holding (group) consists of the parent company (a joi...
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Curriculum Vitae (writing, documents, materials...)
Životopis3 s. / 3. roč. / doc
CV WritingA CV or Curriculum Vitae is:• Your Life History • Your Job History • Your Achievements • Your Skills A CV or curriculum vitae is an essential tool in your job search. With your CV you will be able to promote yourself. Your CV is just the first step in the job search. However a CV will be your first contact with potential employers and will open the doorDocuments and materials need to write a CV: • Job descriptions for all positions held • Performance reviews • Educational transcripts a...
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Helpful phrases for a presentation
Poznámky4 s. / 4. roč. / doc
Helpful phrases for a presentationIn the following pages you will find useful phrases to provide you with the basic structure of a presentation in English.Introduction On behalf of Company I would like to welcome you here today. My name is Max Mustermann and I am the CFO of Global Travel.Hi, I'm Max and I am the head of markteing of Global Travel.Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemen. My name is Max Mustermann and I am delighted to be here today to talk to you about…I'd like to int...
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Insight into economic theories
Prezentace14 s. / 1. roč. / pptx
Prezentace na téma: "Insight into economic theories" do ANJ/FR-u1.
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English Lexicology
Studijní materiál25 s. / - roč. / doc
The object of lexicology:- lexicology = lexis (word) + logos (learning)- lexicology – the part of linguistics dealing with the vocabulary and the properties of words as the main units of language- vocabulary = the system formed by the sum total of all the words of a language- word = the basic unit of a given language (resulting from the association of a particular meaning with a particular group of sounds capable of a particular gramm. employment) → a semantic, gramm. and phonological unit- a w...
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G. Brown, G. Yule: Discourse Analysis
Poznámky10 s. / - roč. / doc
G. Brown, G. Yule: Discourse Analysis© Cambridge University Press 19831. Introduction: linguistic forms and functionsThe analysis of discourse is the analysis of language in use.Functions of language:- transactional - used to convey „factual or propositional information“ - message oriented- interactional - phatic use, interpersonalL.D. - to open or close conversation, ...(also representative/expressive, referential/emotive, ideational/interpersonal, descriptive/social-expressive)Spoken vs. Writ...
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English Phonetics
Poznámky44 s. / - roč. / doc
PhoneticsPhonetics is the science that studies speech sounds. More accurately - it studies the sounds of human speech. The science that deals with sounds of apes as well as other mammals, birds, insects, etc., is called bio phonetics. It is concerned with how speech sounds can be categorized, how they are generated in the human vocal tract, why they each sound so different to the listener and how the listener is bale to recognize them. Although it is quite obvious, that language consists of soun...
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Compare the system of making law in the Czech Republic and the system in England
Esej3 s. / 3. roč. / doc
The United Kingdom does not have a unified system of courts but some judges, like those of the Supreme Court and UK tribunals or those from the Special Appeals Commission a have a nationwide authority. As a constitutional monarchy, justices of the Supreme Court are considered life peers, which means, they can sit in the House of Lords for a life.
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The Czech language - prezentace
Prezentace12 s. / - roč. / pptx
Czech belongs to the group of West Slavic languages. From another perspective, Czech is an inflectional language, which means that the words ‘‘inflect‘‘ (their endings change). The meaning a given word has in a sentence is primarily determined according to his inflection.Who speaks Czech and where is it spoken?In Europe:- Austria (particularly in Vienna)- Poland- Germany- Ukraine- Croatia (around Daruvar)- Western Romania (Banat)- Slovakia (after break-up of the Czechoslovakia in 1992)Outside of...
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Testy z Anglického jazyka Tech Talk Pre-Intermediate + klíč
Testy20 s. / - roč. / zip
TEST A (Units 1-3)1 Match 1-6 with a-f. [6 marks]1 architect 4 laboratory technician2 field service engineer 5 quality controller3 help desk technician 6 warehouse managera I solve customers' problems over the phone. b I collect and examine product samples. c I receive shipments and check quantities. d I repair and maintain customers' machines. e I design buildings. f I test and analyse samples.2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the present simple. [8 marks]1 My sister...............
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Winesbourg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson
Esej6 s. / - roč. / pdf
In my essay I would like to write about a collection of stories by Sherwood Andersoncalled Winesburg, Ohio. I would like to analyze this book and some of its stories and in theend write why he is so popular in literate circuits but not as much in common population.“He was the father of my generation of writers” said William Faulkner aboutSherwood Anderson. “The only man in America who ever taught me anything”sad Thomas Wolfe. Richard Grey claims in his book that Ernest Hemingway, F. Scot Fitzger...
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The best/worst (the most distant) place I have ever visited
Esej2 s. / 1. roč. / docx
The best, the worst and also the most distant place I have ever visited is China. I was there 2 years ago. What was the best? The best were the little and the extreme differences between their country and Europe. They not only live and think differently, but they even look completely different. People in China tend to be minute, there are fewer animals and children seem to be lonelier, because China enforces a one-child policy. The Chinese are more polite than Czechs; there is less differentiati...
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Traineeship in Rhodes
Prezentace28 s. / 3. roč. / pptx
Rhodes• Greek island• 1398 km2• 151 500 peopleRhodes capital• Legend of Colossus• Seven wonders of the worldRhodes capital• 53 709 people• Sights• Port
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Ospodářská angličtina 4 - úkol
Studijní materiál8 s. / - roč. / docx
Str. 78 - Vocabulary development, cv. 2b. We already own 30% of the company’s shares and we intend to purchase at least another 20% in the coming year. buy upc. The new subsidiary in Bahrain will be supervising our operations in the Middle East. looking afterd. It will be a difficult conference to organize. How shall we start doing it? go aboute. We will need some more time to reflect upon your proposal before we can give you an answer. think overf. In her presentation she drew attention to some...
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Comparison and Superlative
Poznámky4 s. / 1. roč. / pdf
ComparisonComparison means we describe the difference between two things. There are several ways how to do it. The most used linguistic tool is the Comparative.Comparative of adjectivesThe comparative is the second grade of gradation of adjectives. It is formed according to the type of the adjective.Type 1The second grade is formed with the suffix -er. It is used with words of Germanic origin (usually one-syllable adjectives and two-syllable adjectives ending in -y).Examples: tall - taller, shor...
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