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Sustainable regional development - Udržitelný rozvoj regionu - skripta

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Detaily projektu
1 Thematic Area I. - Sustainable Development of the Regions - the Strategy, Concepts and Management
1.1 What is a Region?
· A territorial unit - a common level of certain characters (in terms of representation, distribution and representative phenomenon) or a common process
· Basic characteristic - horizontal and vertical (in terms of territorial level of influence) location and boundaries (characters and phenomena of physicalgeographic or socio-geographical systems, eg natural, cultural - historical, socio-economic characteristics and different types of regional processes and relationships)
· The structure of the region and the result of the interaction of natural forces, and social systems, geographic region, two basic concepts: heterogeneous and homogeneous
1.1.1 Homogeneous region
· Also a natural or formal region
· It is an internally homogeneous territorial unit defined by internal structural similarities and differences to the surrounding environment (uniform intensity of occurrences representative phenomena, homogeneity of the external appearance or otherwise measurable character)
· The application is seen especially in the study of natural landscapes, but also in socio-economic sectors (e.g. agricultural region)

Klíčová slova:

sustainable development


power industry


social aspects


  • 1 Thematic Area I. - Sustainable Development of the Regions - the Strategy,
    Concepts and Management 12
    1.1 What is a Region? -12-
    1.2 What is a regionalism? -13-
    1.3 What is a regionalization? -13-
    1.4 What is a development? -13-
    1.4.1 The difference between terms “the Development” - “the Growth” and
    “the Evolution” -13-
    1.5 Development tools in EU -14-
    1.6 EU Region -15-
    1.7 Euroregion -15-
    1.8 Push and pull regions -15-
    1.9 What is a Sustainability -16-
    1.10 Ways to ensure the sustainability of regional development -17-
    1.11 Tools of the Sustainable Regional Development -18-
    1.12 Principles of the Sustainable Regional Development -18-
    1.13 Components of sustainable regional development -19-
    1.14 Vision of Sustainable Regional Development -20-
    1.15 Role of quality of environment and landscape in regional development -21-
    1.16 European Strategy for Sustainable Development -22-
    1.17 The Strategic Framework for Sustainable Development in the Czech Republic23
    1.18 What is a Geopark? -27-
    1.19 Barriers to sustainable regional development -29-
    1.20 And what next? -30-
    2 Thematic area II. - Strategic Resources of Regional Development - Power
    Industry 31
    2.1 An introduction to power industry -31-
    2.2 World consumption of primary energy sources -32-
    2.3 State Energy Policy of the Czech Republic -35-
    2.4 Principles of Sustainable Power Industry -40-
    3 Thematic area III. - Natural Resources - Sustainable agriculture, Climate 44
    3.1 Agriculture -44-
    3.2 Weather and Climate -45-
    3.3 Human impacts -50-
    3.4 Climatic conditions in the Czech Republic -52-
    3.5 Greenhouse effect -53-
    4 Thematic area IV - Nature and Landscape Protection in Sustainable
    Regional Development - strategy, concept, practice 55
    4.1 Nature and Landscape Protection -55-
    4.2 History of Nature Protection -56-
    4.3 Main goal of present nature and landscape protection -57-
    4.4 Ecosystem services (Czech Republic) -59-
    4.5 Problems of nature and landscape protection -59-
    4.6 Main conceptual documents on nature and landscape protection in the Czech
    Republic -60-
    4.7 Conclusion -60-
    5 Thematic area V - The social aspects of sustainable regional development
    - tourism, recreation, leisure activities 61
    5.1 Tourism -61-
    5.2 Current tourism trends, what awaits us in the coming seasons -77-
    5.3 New trends in cycle tourism -79-
    6 Thematic area VI - environmental management systems, environmental
    audits, waste management, information technologies 81
    6.1 Sustainable development in the Czech Republic -81-
    6.2 Local Agenda 21 -83-
    6.3 Instruments realization of State Environmental Policy -85-
    6.4 Legislative instruments of State Environmental Policy -85-
    6.5 Voluntary instruments of State Environmental Policy -98-
    6.6 Environmental Management Systems -105-
    7 Thematic area VII - Economic and Politics of SDR - Assessment and
    valuation of natural resources 110
    7.1 Basic terms and their content -110-
    7.2 The origins of life -111-
    7.3 Briefly about the history of economics and evaluation of nature -114-
    7.4 Fundamentals of valuation of market natural resources -117-
    7.1 The economic value of nature by neoclassical economics -119-
    7.2 Non-market evaluation of ecosystem services -124-
    7.4 The approaches used to assess of ecosystem services -129-
    8 Recommended literature 132
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